Shell's ickle life!

The lowdown to life as a student in liverpool!

Monday, October 23, 2006

My introduction to liverpool!

Well, what’s happened to me in the two months since arriving in Liverpool?? Rather a lot actually!

I moved in on the 1st September, a miserable, wet Saturday (no different to any other day then!) The journey there was a typical one, got stuck in traffic on the M6 and a 45min journey soon escalated into a 90+ one! After that tho, everything proceeded pretty much incident free, I arrived at the new house, waved goodbye to the family, feeling rather sad I must admit (u know wot im like!) and looked forward to an evening getting to know Betty.

The days passed, and I soon came to realise Betty was a little odd, but nothing I couldn’t cope with. This period of about 2weeks was rather lonely, I had only her for company, she was constantly crying, no tv, no internet, no money, so basically nada! Then Raj, Rachael and hazel moved in, and the atmosphere immediately came alive. There were people to talk to!! Woo!!

We started going out, seein Liverpool, meeting all the others friends they’d made last year and generally havin a real good time. But…. Betty was truly beginning to show her true colours, she started turning more and more into mum, then about ten times worse. One night she came up to us in the attic room and actually went mad at us for making noise, trouble is, twas only 10:30, and she didn’t even have uni or work the next day! Needless to say she moved out…..

After that life went on relatively ok, uni started, went out to many new (some good some bad) places, and then I had rather a nasty incident on a night out, but I was fine. A few days later, we had rather a nasty shock wen Scottish power knocked on the door asking for £3200 within 7days or they’d cut us off. That was the beginning of something sinister. We then found out that our letting agency had gone bust, which left us all worrying bout if the house was gonna be taken etc, and then to top it all practically in the kitchen broke! We then found out that the manager of our agency was corrupt and had laundering all our rents and deposits etc, and had ran off with it all. Fantabulous. Tis all sorting itself out now thank god, we have found out we aint gonna get our deposits back, which is shit, but we do still have a house! We also have to find a new housem8, which shud be fun, and we have to learn how to budget as far electric and gas are concerned, as we now have to pay the bills separately, eek!

Last week we went to this really cool night at the nation, twas a chibuku night, and it was really good, if not far too expensive! £19 for a ticket to get in and expensive drinks! But still, a good night was had by us all! My poor aching feet suffered the next day however! And I was very tired, but at least I wasn’t hungover! Yey me!

As for uni, that’s going well, I’m enjoying, it, well mostly! tho some of the lectures are rather tedious! I’m also finding it quite having to answer these debate questions for educational studies, cos I’m just not used to them at all! Human bio is interesting, same kinda questions as I did for nursing, rather intense, but at least I like it. Iv met some really nice people as well which is nice! Were going on a field trip over halloween to wales which every1 is telling me will be fun, but the words gorge walking and rock climbing spring to mind and I’m not so sure! Tis expensive to so im determined to have a good time! Anyways, I think Iv blabbered on enough, I think iv included more or less the main things that have gone on! See you all next time guys! The next blog wont be so long I promise! Love u all! Xxx


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