Shell's ickle life!

The lowdown to life as a student in liverpool!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Woo bloody hoo!!!

Iv had a pretty down couple of days, but im not gona tell about them, cos right now im feelin absolutely on top of the bloody world!! And do u know why?? Cos for the last 3 days my internet has not worked at all. Absolutley diddly squitt was coming from it, and so, I assumed what most people would assume, it had finally given up, never to work again.

I was gonna have to spend a fortune on a new laptop, so I asked a friend rich to come an help me find a decent one on the tinetrnet that was a decent price. When he arrived, he decided to just have a fiddle with my laptop, to see if it wasnt just a virus or something. After about an hour, much removing of all he shit i dont need on my comp, rejigging of files, reinstallation of programs etc, hey presto! He got my wireless working like a dream at a fantabulous speed of 54mbs! It's never gone above 2mbs previously! U can imagine how happy i feel, and how thankful i am to rich, I owe him one!

And now I am off, to go and look for tea and try to shove some stuff into a bag to take to my field trip hor human biology to wales tomorrow, which i'm hopin will be fun, even if it does include lots of terrifyingly scary activities (for me anyways) like gorge walking and climbing up high scary mountains! I shall letu know how it goes wen I get back! See all u gorgeous peeps soon! xxx


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