Shell's ickle life!

The lowdown to life as a student in liverpool!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Whats happened??

Ok.. I'm still confused for the reasons described in my last post, which was a whole five days ago, which I only know cos I realised a friend hadnt posted for that long, and I remember posting the same day as him! (makes sense to me..... honest!) 5 days and im still thinking about the same muddled up things!

As I did explain all about my confusion enough last time I posted I'm not gonna put you all through that again! I've had avery mediocre 5 days, with nothing much to report. Been to uni, not done enough work, not been drunk (whats going on, its been like 3 and a half weeks!!) The most exciting thing being going to watch the pretty firework display at sefton park on bonfire night, wowee! Ooo, and I found an old friend from primary school who was my clever friend and we helped each other with our extra hard work which was for the kids in the year above us! I was clever once! What happened?? Now I come out with phrases like "are you doing anything for bonfire night, or is germany one of those places that dont celebrate it??" Doh! Silly me! whilst he's a smarty pants doin a 4year maths degree, which leads to a masters I think, he obviously zapped half of my brains off me at some point after doing my SAT's and before going to high school! lol He also introduced me to his completely mad housem8 who's cool. Ah well, shit happens, Im sure I can re-educate myself.... I'l do my damndest to anyways!!!

What I do want to talk about is how unfriendly my uni is to the environment, particularly my education *scowl* and also to my poor ever disintegrating bank balance (stop going shopping-simple) You see, the reason Im not happy is because we have to print off alllll our lectures, articles, absolutely everything. I have so far printed off 6 weeks worth of stuff, which has cost me £15, and from that I deduced that quite disgustingly that adds up to 300 sheets of paper. There are 12 weeks in each semester, which is approximatley 600sheets per semester! so thats gonna be around £60 spent on printing this year, and thats not including research n stuff were also meant to get! And even more upsetting, how many poor trees is our class going to claim? most of the pages of which are sooooo unaviodably dull are not even going to get glimpsed at by the majority of the class? And how many people wont even bother to recycle the paper when they've done with it?? It makes me sad inside... At least my money can be replaced without toooo much difficulty, but the same cant be said for the trees :-(

I also want to just declare that as much as I really really do love christmas, it should be illegal for decorations and other such christmassy items to be put up untill december 1st. Please people! Just wait a little bit loner! The reason I'm saying this is because not only has town started to put all their christmas galore up (which makes me feel the need to start thinking about presents which is bad due to the lack of fundage I have for them) but there is also an actual house a few streets down from me which I walk past on my way to the bus stop to uni which actually has fairy lights and a santa in the window. I mean omfg..... tis the 7th nov for christs sake!

I also want to say I really really want to go to leeds and nottingham and stoke soon to see my dude stef (I love you duuuudeee! as has been said on many a drunken night round wigan! especially our last one way way back in august, what a fun night was had by all ;-) even if the music was awful! and also on every opportunity possible!) and my little fellow small friend anita, who I just know is finally enjoying the freedom of being at uni, and is actually allowed a full night out without having to panic about being home before her dad! (Just keep away from those shots in baabaa's...ahem!! Love you!) And of course good ol Debby in stoke... how u doin duck?!!! Gawd, I never thought i'd miss the nurses home and the social and the little shop with their £1 pizzas, but hell I do!
There's also people I want to see else where, but know I cant, because your either too far away, or I just dont know where the hell u are right now cos every time I speak to you your somewhere new , having far too much fun!! All as I can say to you few is your in my heart and mind and even sometimes even my dreams! (as peculiar, bizarre and random as they quite often are!) and I wish you the best of luck in what your all doing, and I hope to see you soon... love you lots!
Gosh, I love so many people in so many different ways, who wud of thought it possible.
PS: keep the pretty pictures coming... they make me smile. I don't care how you show me them, on myspace, in an email, anything. I just want to see them, pretty please!!!

And now, having made myself feel sufficiently sentimental... I shall bid you all a good night! sweet dreams xxxx


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