Shell's ickle life!

The lowdown to life as a student in liverpool!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My chemical romance and my small self...

Whats happened to mein the last week? Well, I found one of my best friends from high school in my uni library, who I'v not seen since school except for on drunken encounter over summer in liquid (is liquid the only place you people in wigan go I hear you cry! the answer is yea, pretty much every1 ends up there just cos its open latest!) which was very cool!! I went the student union at long last on friday night, was quiet but cheap, is'nt really sumwhere people actually go for a night out, tis more just a meeting place before getting the FREE (oh my gawd my uni actually does summat for free!!) bus to town at around midnight.Anyway, turned out to be quite a good night, mainly cos I found £20 woo!
Saturday and sunday were just unmentionably lazy, which I regret now cos I really should of done some of the teetering pile of work I now have.

Monday was absolutely awesome! I went watchin My chemical romance, and they were boss! (Gawd im pickin up the scouse lingo!) I nearly got squished cos I got stuck in the middle of the mosh pit, were there were these stoopid noobs who just kept running full pelt into each other, and some1 elbowed me in my collar bone n bruised me!! :-( But ah well, I got over it. Im more gutted that im too damn small, n even tho I got to the front I still cudnt see cos this group of big massive guys were just in front of me and would they let poor lil me in?? wud they hell, even tho cuda easily seen over me. So then I shuftied to the left and this really sweet guy kept pushing everyone out the way for me and I got right up against the barrier, but someone else really massive was next to me and kept leaning in front of me... grrrr!!! The sweet guy obviously felt bad for me and kept tryin to pick me up so i cud see, but i wudnt let him (I hate bein picked up) But yea, I managed get a few glimpses of em, but not nearly as many as I would have had I been a foot taller! But Ahhh wellll.... the main thing is I didnt go deaf so I could still here em, and I wasnt one of the loads that were fainting all around me n havin be crowd surfed to the front where the medics were... so who the hell am I to complain?!
Today has been a very shit but productive day, after sitting there from 2-10:30, I finally managed to do my reflection on my team working skills whilst in wales essay for human biology. The relevance to human biology? You tell me...

Anyways sexeh people I'm off to bedybyes now, seein as its 02:11 now and Im up at 7! :-( Why cant I ever sleep when I need to but far too well wen Im not meant to be sleeping eg: 7am on wed, thrs n fri! Kisses n hugs xoxoxo


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