Shell's ickle life!

The lowdown to life as a student in liverpool!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Another day, another night

I seem to have lost all will power to do any work what so ever. Damn. Today, on my day off, I planned to do loads, I did diddly squitt. This was down to my parents coming bringing my replacement sim card the silly 3 people sent to wigan instead of here, even though i told her to send it to this address. I then of curse had to get a new phone to put the sim card, egged on by my mum who doesn't like knowin she cant just phone me whenever she fancies. I ended up with the same phone I had before but black this time instead of pink n silver, for £70 (my poor pennies). I then went and gave a litre of my blood, thought id done really well and was so proud of myself, and was just waiting for hazel to drink her tea, when I suddenly went all faint and had to lie on the bed :S

Then I went home, ate tea, went to do work, ended up on bloody facebook, did bugger all work wise, watched eastenders and bring it on, and now i cant sleep for no one. And I have a beauty of a cough and sore throat developing, fabaliscous.

Yesterday was a complete doss of a day, hardly worth mentioning, but I will anyway cos I like the song that just came on (Mad world-gary jules, donnie darko) Went uni, got bored to death and back, came home, had a nap, openend my bio book, went to watch corrie n eastenders, then the boys and the number85 boys came round, and I just couldnt be rude, so I stayed to watch mean machine (some film bout a prison football team). Then they went, and me n my housemates watched boys and their cars, a sad film bout a girl of 15 who was really clever but got wasted one night and felt like shit so her and her best mate both got laid in one of their fellas cars, ended up pregnant and married to a heroin addict, shame. Let that be a lesson to us all feeling a little desperate right now, A)try not to get laid just cos your wasted, never a very good idea, B) if you do just end up there, at least always be safe.
Thats my song finished and my wise words done with for tonight people, I am off to force myself to sleep. Night night xxxx


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