Shell's ickle life!

The lowdown to life as a student in liverpool!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday bloody sunday

I'v had a bit of an up and down week really, some good bits, some not so good.
The good bits mainly consist of going out, alcohol and uni friends. The bad are entirely uni based, well mostly.

I went to the christmas ball on wednesday, which was mucho fun, and the lovely people from the SU did a wonderful job of decorating the carling academy, and made it look like the great hall in the harry potter films with christmas trees lining all around the edge of the room, very nice indeed..... well done guys!
I also went to the union on friday after a very stressful day sorting our biology presentation (more about that later) with jonathon, tom, gamika, joseph, suzi and shireen, which was a laugh, and then me and gamika went on to my housemates friends houseparty, which was entertaining, especially as gamika decided he rather liked one of the guys we know, whom unluckily for gamika is straight!! lol! We then decided to walk home, as it wasn't too far from home, and for some strange reason ended up in Asda buying some extra special lincolnshire sausages (well gamika bought em)

As I sed earlier, it wasn't all fun and festivities this week, I had my biology poster presentation to do at 4pm friday. Now being the gal that I am, I don't like doing things on the last minute, so the fact that at 11am on fri we still had 2 questions to do as one arse was bein a lazy git and didnt do his question till thrs, then when we looked over it on fri it was utter bull, so we did that question whilst he did the one on morals and ethics, and the dumb arse got that one wrong too! So with just 2 hours left, he had to do it again, with one of us keep goin giving him tips, (we did just wanna do it ourselves, but we didnt wanna be responsible for him failin) and then we had to actually stick everyfin on the poster, we finished just in time. The actual presentation was alright I suppose.
Shireens presentation was the best tho, so funny!!! She was talking about digestion, and how we produce chyme, I quote:
"this process is called mechanical digestion, which requires the use of the mouth and tongue, which results in the production of cum!!"
Hehe!!!! Whats funnier is she fancies the lecturer, so its obvious what she was thinkin!!

As for since then, I'm really disappointed, as Iv done nothing, and therefore have nothin to tell! So I shall let you go xxx

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A good weekend!

I have had a fun weekend. Went out to the union and then round town with my biology crew, were all but one of us got far too drunk, and there is a big black spot where my memory should be from around 1, but the stuff i do remember indicates I had alot of fun!

On saturday i was surprisingly not particularly hungover, I just had a fuzzy head. So me, hazel n rich went to this pub called The Hillfoot for dinner, and I had steak in Jack Daniels sauce which was delish, and bread n butter pudding, which took ages to come, but was nice. Then it was back home were I decided I was gonna have an early night, but then stu n si came round after a houseparty, and me, rach, hazel n stu ended up having the best most random conversation ever about hobnobs, potatoes and lots of other stuff, giggled uncontrolably and then finally dragged my ass to bed at 6:40, very early indeed :-S

Today I woke up at 2, blinked and it was dark and 4:30 :-S
And now si and stu are back, so im gonna say c ya laters! xxx