Shell's ickle life!

The lowdown to life as a student in liverpool!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday bloody sunday

I'v had a bit of an up and down week really, some good bits, some not so good.
The good bits mainly consist of going out, alcohol and uni friends. The bad are entirely uni based, well mostly.

I went to the christmas ball on wednesday, which was mucho fun, and the lovely people from the SU did a wonderful job of decorating the carling academy, and made it look like the great hall in the harry potter films with christmas trees lining all around the edge of the room, very nice indeed..... well done guys!
I also went to the union on friday after a very stressful day sorting our biology presentation (more about that later) with jonathon, tom, gamika, joseph, suzi and shireen, which was a laugh, and then me and gamika went on to my housemates friends houseparty, which was entertaining, especially as gamika decided he rather liked one of the guys we know, whom unluckily for gamika is straight!! lol! We then decided to walk home, as it wasn't too far from home, and for some strange reason ended up in Asda buying some extra special lincolnshire sausages (well gamika bought em)

As I sed earlier, it wasn't all fun and festivities this week, I had my biology poster presentation to do at 4pm friday. Now being the gal that I am, I don't like doing things on the last minute, so the fact that at 11am on fri we still had 2 questions to do as one arse was bein a lazy git and didnt do his question till thrs, then when we looked over it on fri it was utter bull, so we did that question whilst he did the one on morals and ethics, and the dumb arse got that one wrong too! So with just 2 hours left, he had to do it again, with one of us keep goin giving him tips, (we did just wanna do it ourselves, but we didnt wanna be responsible for him failin) and then we had to actually stick everyfin on the poster, we finished just in time. The actual presentation was alright I suppose.
Shireens presentation was the best tho, so funny!!! She was talking about digestion, and how we produce chyme, I quote:
"this process is called mechanical digestion, which requires the use of the mouth and tongue, which results in the production of cum!!"
Hehe!!!! Whats funnier is she fancies the lecturer, so its obvious what she was thinkin!!

As for since then, I'm really disappointed, as Iv done nothing, and therefore have nothin to tell! So I shall let you go xxx

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A good weekend!

I have had a fun weekend. Went out to the union and then round town with my biology crew, were all but one of us got far too drunk, and there is a big black spot where my memory should be from around 1, but the stuff i do remember indicates I had alot of fun!

On saturday i was surprisingly not particularly hungover, I just had a fuzzy head. So me, hazel n rich went to this pub called The Hillfoot for dinner, and I had steak in Jack Daniels sauce which was delish, and bread n butter pudding, which took ages to come, but was nice. Then it was back home were I decided I was gonna have an early night, but then stu n si came round after a houseparty, and me, rach, hazel n stu ended up having the best most random conversation ever about hobnobs, potatoes and lots of other stuff, giggled uncontrolably and then finally dragged my ass to bed at 6:40, very early indeed :-S

Today I woke up at 2, blinked and it was dark and 4:30 :-S
And now si and stu are back, so im gonna say c ya laters! xxx

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Where are they going???

Will someone please tell me what the hell is happening with my days? theve all ended before they've even started it feels! Whats happened to me over the last few days? Not much to be honest... Iv had my hair cut, i now have a fringe again, still trying to get used to it, not too sure if i like it or not. Iv had a very lengthy conversation with my biology buddies about sex, lasting the whole day, from 11-6! (very wise usage of our presentation planning time lol) covering everything from favourite places to when it's ok to have sex concerning friends n stuff (a conversation I have also had with a friend the other day, in both cases we all ended getting rather confused and undecided) Iv not got nearly enough work done, despite having stared at the books and articles for copious numbers of hours :-( Iv not finished danielle's advent calendar, and Im rapidly running out of time. I have however, decided I cant wait to go home for christmas, see my friends, have some good nights out round good ol wigan, be in a nice homely home with decorations up!! and thats about it really! aww poor me, im sure this week will be much more productive :-P
anyways im off to watch corrie and then ghostbusters with the rest of the house, woo! Love ya all xxx

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Another day, another night

I seem to have lost all will power to do any work what so ever. Damn. Today, on my day off, I planned to do loads, I did diddly squitt. This was down to my parents coming bringing my replacement sim card the silly 3 people sent to wigan instead of here, even though i told her to send it to this address. I then of curse had to get a new phone to put the sim card, egged on by my mum who doesn't like knowin she cant just phone me whenever she fancies. I ended up with the same phone I had before but black this time instead of pink n silver, for £70 (my poor pennies). I then went and gave a litre of my blood, thought id done really well and was so proud of myself, and was just waiting for hazel to drink her tea, when I suddenly went all faint and had to lie on the bed :S

Then I went home, ate tea, went to do work, ended up on bloody facebook, did bugger all work wise, watched eastenders and bring it on, and now i cant sleep for no one. And I have a beauty of a cough and sore throat developing, fabaliscous.

Yesterday was a complete doss of a day, hardly worth mentioning, but I will anyway cos I like the song that just came on (Mad world-gary jules, donnie darko) Went uni, got bored to death and back, came home, had a nap, openend my bio book, went to watch corrie n eastenders, then the boys and the number85 boys came round, and I just couldnt be rude, so I stayed to watch mean machine (some film bout a prison football team). Then they went, and me n my housemates watched boys and their cars, a sad film bout a girl of 15 who was really clever but got wasted one night and felt like shit so her and her best mate both got laid in one of their fellas cars, ended up pregnant and married to a heroin addict, shame. Let that be a lesson to us all feeling a little desperate right now, A)try not to get laid just cos your wasted, never a very good idea, B) if you do just end up there, at least always be safe.
Thats my song finished and my wise words done with for tonight people, I am off to force myself to sleep. Night night xxxx

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A weekend of sisterly love

I went to heebie jeebies on thrs night, had a great night and then went and bloody left my bag with my keys and phone in the back of a black cab :( I am so annoyed with myself! grrrgghhh. I wasnt even wasted, which makes it so much worse. Blah.

Anyways, on a happier note... what a weekend! Iv had my little sister danielle stay over for the weekend, and it was so nice, but I feel a little mopey now cos she's gone and I wanted to go home with her and my parents. Aah well...

Any way as for what we actually did... was all very nice and sweet, we went the albert docks and the maritime musuem, which was all very interesting and enoyed by us both, much to her surprise! We then went round town to find a three mobile shop, of which i did in superdrug, where they told me what i didnt want to hear...... I have 3 options-

  • buy a cheap fone for like £40, whch will inevitably be a brick
  • buy a nice handset of the standard of my old one for around £200, fuck that.
  • or i can take out a new contract for £15 a month which gives me 300mins n an amount of texts i cant remember and get a nice free phone like the one i had, but I'll still have to pay the old contract as well, which wud be £35 a month.

Any advice, let me know! We then went to eddie rockets, where I had this huge burger and shared some fries n onion rings and then proceeded to feel sick cos I ate too much! whoops! We then headed back home and spent the night watching dvd's snuggled up on the couch with a duvet round us and hot chocolate!! lovely!

Today has been a completely dossing day really, went the park with danielle, went to a sweet little coffee place with sofas to sit on and had a hazlenut frothy coffee with a slice of chocolate cake! She had an extreme hot chocolate n chocolate cake :) Then spent a few hours with my mum n dad n danielle, they left, I moped for a bit, had a shower and now here I am with rach n rob messin on internet and watching office space. Thats bout it! woooow eh! lol! hugs xxx

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My chemical romance and my small self...

Whats happened to mein the last week? Well, I found one of my best friends from high school in my uni library, who I'v not seen since school except for on drunken encounter over summer in liquid (is liquid the only place you people in wigan go I hear you cry! the answer is yea, pretty much every1 ends up there just cos its open latest!) which was very cool!! I went the student union at long last on friday night, was quiet but cheap, is'nt really sumwhere people actually go for a night out, tis more just a meeting place before getting the FREE (oh my gawd my uni actually does summat for free!!) bus to town at around midnight.Anyway, turned out to be quite a good night, mainly cos I found £20 woo!
Saturday and sunday were just unmentionably lazy, which I regret now cos I really should of done some of the teetering pile of work I now have.

Monday was absolutely awesome! I went watchin My chemical romance, and they were boss! (Gawd im pickin up the scouse lingo!) I nearly got squished cos I got stuck in the middle of the mosh pit, were there were these stoopid noobs who just kept running full pelt into each other, and some1 elbowed me in my collar bone n bruised me!! :-( But ah well, I got over it. Im more gutted that im too damn small, n even tho I got to the front I still cudnt see cos this group of big massive guys were just in front of me and would they let poor lil me in?? wud they hell, even tho cuda easily seen over me. So then I shuftied to the left and this really sweet guy kept pushing everyone out the way for me and I got right up against the barrier, but someone else really massive was next to me and kept leaning in front of me... grrrr!!! The sweet guy obviously felt bad for me and kept tryin to pick me up so i cud see, but i wudnt let him (I hate bein picked up) But yea, I managed get a few glimpses of em, but not nearly as many as I would have had I been a foot taller! But Ahhh wellll.... the main thing is I didnt go deaf so I could still here em, and I wasnt one of the loads that were fainting all around me n havin be crowd surfed to the front where the medics were... so who the hell am I to complain?!
Today has been a very shit but productive day, after sitting there from 2-10:30, I finally managed to do my reflection on my team working skills whilst in wales essay for human biology. The relevance to human biology? You tell me...

Anyways sexeh people I'm off to bedybyes now, seein as its 02:11 now and Im up at 7! :-( Why cant I ever sleep when I need to but far too well wen Im not meant to be sleeping eg: 7am on wed, thrs n fri! Kisses n hugs xoxoxo

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

An update on the tree situation....

Just a quick note to let you know that I actually complained (yes me! complaining!) to the head of 1st year undergraduate education (check me out for my bravery!) because it got to me sooo much having to waste all that paper, and.... it appears that we were all mis informed in the lecture.... we need to make an electronic portoflio which is to be submitted (they originally told us a paper portfolio) and we need to make a folder with journal articles etc. This is all brilliant... except for the fact that iv already wasted 300sheets and £15 (i will be recycling the paper, but still....) but ah well, at least Iv saved any more trees from being unnecessarily ruined, by the first year education students at liverpool hope at least!

So yea, thats all I need to say really... so I'l speak to you all soon! kisses and hugs xoxoxox