Shell's ickle life!

The lowdown to life as a student in liverpool!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Woo bloody hoo!!!

Iv had a pretty down couple of days, but im not gona tell about them, cos right now im feelin absolutely on top of the bloody world!! And do u know why?? Cos for the last 3 days my internet has not worked at all. Absolutley diddly squitt was coming from it, and so, I assumed what most people would assume, it had finally given up, never to work again.

I was gonna have to spend a fortune on a new laptop, so I asked a friend rich to come an help me find a decent one on the tinetrnet that was a decent price. When he arrived, he decided to just have a fiddle with my laptop, to see if it wasnt just a virus or something. After about an hour, much removing of all he shit i dont need on my comp, rejigging of files, reinstallation of programs etc, hey presto! He got my wireless working like a dream at a fantabulous speed of 54mbs! It's never gone above 2mbs previously! U can imagine how happy i feel, and how thankful i am to rich, I owe him one!

And now I am off, to go and look for tea and try to shove some stuff into a bag to take to my field trip hor human biology to wales tomorrow, which i'm hopin will be fun, even if it does include lots of terrifyingly scary activities (for me anyways) like gorge walking and climbing up high scary mountains! I shall letu know how it goes wen I get back! See all u gorgeous peeps soon! xxx

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If life's like a rollercoaster, where'd my "up" go?

Hello there lovely guys and gals! Well, I’v had a busy couple of days! But sadly, tis not due to my social life being packed to the brim with people seeking my company, oh no, gawd damn uni work is the culprit!

I came back from my visit home on Monday just in time to go to my lecture about mentoring- woo bloody hoo, then came back home, got my textbook out, found the questions, and then generally dosed on the internet for the rest of the night. Ah well, good intentions n all that! So, I decided I’d definitely spend all day Tuesday doing the ever mounting pile of work, but sadly shopping, cleaning, exercising, having a shower and chatting to my housem8 made the time do that stupid thing were time just disappears, and before I knew it, Rachael was back from her gig watching Orson (green eyed monster pokes it’s head from around the corner), and so I gave up and went to bed.

Then it was today. And what a crappy, everything go wrong kinda day its been, right from waking up to around half an hour ago. You probably dont want to know what happened, but tough, ur gonna find out. First of all, I opened my eyes at 08:45 looked at the time realised my lecture started in 15mins, cursed my alarm for failin to wake me up and started running around like a mad person. It was only once dressed that I remembered my class had changed times and only starts now at 11, so I wasn’t too happy bout that. Then it came to the right time I shud be going and off I went, 5mins late. Just as I rushed out the door, the postman handed me a letter for our house, twas mine. I hurried to the bus, only for it to drive straight past me cos it was full, damn bus, so then I had to wait in the rain 10mins for the next one. When I got on the bus, I remembered about the letter, and so decided to have a gander. It was only a letter from the new agency with a standing order form enclosed, with the rent having jumped up from £32.50 a week excluding bills to £54 a week still excluding bills! Since Friday! I finally arrived at uni just a couple of mins late, went to the room to find no1 there, so I went to reception and found there’d been a change of rooms. Thankfully I bumped into a group of my classm8’s wondering round lost looking for every1, so off we all went to the right room. We got there, and just annie was sat there, turns out we were the only ones who’d made it to the class. We had a little chat, annie decided there was no point in carrying on with the lesson cos there was only 6 of us, and she had the graduation to go to, so after less than an hour she sent us away!

Feeling slightly downhearted but not too much I went to do some work in the library, had a little chat with a couple of peeps on msn and actually answered a few questions! Woohoo! Then I got hungry and bored, so went to the deanery of science to show my receipt for the trip were being forced to go on over Halloween, got lost, very cold and even more wet in the process. I then had to wait half an hour in the cold and rain for the frigging bus (I was quite annoyed by this point), in my slip on shoes which were as useful as a chocolate fireguard. By the time I got home, my whole body was soaked and froze to the bone and I wasn’t best pleased. So I went for a shower, to warm up and make me feel better, only to find the hot water wasn’t on, so I had to go and switch it on and wait for it to warm up. Since then, touch wood, everything seems to have gone alright. I’v now had my shower, feel slightly better, and about to embark on my hypertension casestudy that needs handing in on fri and is still only about 15% finished.

There we go, Iv had my moan, and I feel Iv sent u all to sleep sufficiently, so I shall depart now. I will be back, oh yes I will, sorry guys and gals! Hopefully the next post will be a lot happier and shorter! Huggles to you all xxx

Monday, October 23, 2006

My introduction to liverpool!

Well, what’s happened to me in the two months since arriving in Liverpool?? Rather a lot actually!

I moved in on the 1st September, a miserable, wet Saturday (no different to any other day then!) The journey there was a typical one, got stuck in traffic on the M6 and a 45min journey soon escalated into a 90+ one! After that tho, everything proceeded pretty much incident free, I arrived at the new house, waved goodbye to the family, feeling rather sad I must admit (u know wot im like!) and looked forward to an evening getting to know Betty.

The days passed, and I soon came to realise Betty was a little odd, but nothing I couldn’t cope with. This period of about 2weeks was rather lonely, I had only her for company, she was constantly crying, no tv, no internet, no money, so basically nada! Then Raj, Rachael and hazel moved in, and the atmosphere immediately came alive. There were people to talk to!! Woo!!

We started going out, seein Liverpool, meeting all the others friends they’d made last year and generally havin a real good time. But…. Betty was truly beginning to show her true colours, she started turning more and more into mum, then about ten times worse. One night she came up to us in the attic room and actually went mad at us for making noise, trouble is, twas only 10:30, and she didn’t even have uni or work the next day! Needless to say she moved out…..

After that life went on relatively ok, uni started, went out to many new (some good some bad) places, and then I had rather a nasty incident on a night out, but I was fine. A few days later, we had rather a nasty shock wen Scottish power knocked on the door asking for £3200 within 7days or they’d cut us off. That was the beginning of something sinister. We then found out that our letting agency had gone bust, which left us all worrying bout if the house was gonna be taken etc, and then to top it all practically in the kitchen broke! We then found out that the manager of our agency was corrupt and had laundering all our rents and deposits etc, and had ran off with it all. Fantabulous. Tis all sorting itself out now thank god, we have found out we aint gonna get our deposits back, which is shit, but we do still have a house! We also have to find a new housem8, which shud be fun, and we have to learn how to budget as far electric and gas are concerned, as we now have to pay the bills separately, eek!

Last week we went to this really cool night at the nation, twas a chibuku night, and it was really good, if not far too expensive! £19 for a ticket to get in and expensive drinks! But still, a good night was had by us all! My poor aching feet suffered the next day however! And I was very tired, but at least I wasn’t hungover! Yey me!

As for uni, that’s going well, I’m enjoying, it, well mostly! tho some of the lectures are rather tedious! I’m also finding it quite having to answer these debate questions for educational studies, cos I’m just not used to them at all! Human bio is interesting, same kinda questions as I did for nursing, rather intense, but at least I like it. Iv met some really nice people as well which is nice! Were going on a field trip over halloween to wales which every1 is telling me will be fun, but the words gorge walking and rock climbing spring to mind and I’m not so sure! Tis expensive to so im determined to have a good time! Anyways, I think Iv blabbered on enough, I think iv included more or less the main things that have gone on! See you all next time guys! The next blog wont be so long I promise! Love u all! Xxx

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Oooh! How exciting!!

My first blog, wowee!!! (This is your fault Mr, yes, u know who you are!! :D) Well, Im gonna be using this blog in an attempt to keep you all informed on my fab life in the lurvely liverpool, lol! I'l try to blog pretty regular, I'm sure some of u will remind me to blog if I haven't done so for a few days! Most of my blogs will probably bore you to tears, but ah well, u'll just have to cope with it, heehee!! I'm not going to a big huge blog tonight tho, cos Im finally starting to feel a bit tired, and seein as I only got three and 1/2 hours last night as I couldnt sleep :-( I feel I must do my best to try to catch up! Anyways, nite all u gorgeous people! Love youuuu! xx
PS: I promise I'll come and give a big account of everything thats happened since I moved here, well, as much as I remember anyway!